Redeeming Heart

Redeeming Heart

Landon Thomas (In Defense of Love) brings a new definition to the word “prodigal,” as in prodigal son, brother or anything else imaginable. It’s a good thing that God’s love covers a multitude of sins, but He isn’t letting Landon

The Story I Can’t Tell

The Story I Can’t Tell

As an author and former news writer, I’m greedy for information. I’m always in the mood to hear a good story. Give me a picture and my mind writes the caption, or share a few tidbits and my mind paints

I’m A Survivor

I’m A Survivor

Usually, when we hear the phrase, “I’m a survivor,” we might equate that to beating cancer, escaping domestic violence, or perhaps, overcoming drug addiction. Here’s another one to add to the list, a spiritual survivor. When I saw this skit,

Down But Not Out

Down But Not Out

“Down But Not Out” was the title of my sermon in church yesterday. The enemy is always on the attack. He uses our spouses, family, friends, jobs, and even our church family to bring us down. Sometimes our trials come in

Stop Lying

Stop Lying

Yep, He called me out, and ironically, the accusation was thrown at me as I finished my draft for the 8th book in my Guilty series, The Confession. Put the celebration on hold. First, I had some repenting to do.