This is it! by Pat Simmons

It’s 2015, and Black Christian fiction is making some noise. Since there is strength in numbers, I’m glad to be working with 10 dynamic sisters of the genre. Many of us have been published for years, have received awards and have had record sales, yet readers haven’t been able to find us or are unaware that we even exist. “Bookmark” our page in your bookshelf for good reads in Black Christian fiction.

Because I weave African-American genealogy tidbits into contemporary storylines, Black Christian Reads is a haven for my work. I craft stories with strong Black men, strong Black families and messages of hope and victory.

In 2007, the Lord created an opportunity for me when UC editor Joylynn Jossel saw something in my writing after she read Guilty of Love. I introduced the Jamieson men and their African ancestry, along with gun-toting, Stacy-Adams-shoes-wearing Mrs. Beatrice Tilley Beacon, aka Grandma BB. Guilty of Love is rich in African-American genealogy, which is my passion—just ask my cousins and hubby; I love uncovering stories that have yet to be told. In Guilty by Association, after finding records in the 1860 Mississippi Morbidity Book, I was shocked to read how slaves without a last name were listed when they were buried. They were given the name “Negro.” Yep, from A to Z.  Despite hating his last name because of his MIA father, Kidd Jamieson learns that it’s not the name that defines a man, but the man who makes his name in life. In The Acquittal, I take my readers to Ghana, Africa, where African-American viewpoints are challenged with the African culture. Regardless of the tales I weave, love conquers all. Spoiler alert: all of my stories have a happy ending, so I can sleep at night!

However, I also recognize that readers may struggle with issues that are too painful to express to others, such as Karyn Wallace in Crowning Glory. Karen is a young woman who is part of the fastest growing prison population. Society has thrown away the key on criminals, but God reminds her once she is released that “He who the Son has set free, is free indeed.” A victim of crime, Levi Tolliver falls hard for Karyn without knowing her past, and when he finds out, they will need Jesus like never before. The stories in the “Love at the Crossroads” series tackle obstacles in relationships, such as fears that keep us from receiving our blessings, fidelity, infertility, even a woman living with a man who won’t commit. Recently, I penned the popular “Carmen Sisters” series that exemplifies what true sisterhood is all about, which isn’t about back-biting or man-stealing, but genuine love and prayerful advice when life alters and decisions need to be made. Their sisterhood brings me back to my sisters who created Black Christian Reads. We have sound relationships, are supportive, and we share the common goal to see each other succeed and the Black Christian fiction genre thrive. We are here to keep your bookshelves filled with new and inspiring stories year-round, so please pick up or download our novels/novellas. Thank you for blessing us and our prayer is that you are blessed in return.

Please don’t forget that your reviews generate sales, so please post them, and engage with us at Black Christian Reads page on Facebook.

Happy reading and see you on Facebook!

Pat Simmons

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